Uptember Wrap-Up 1: words, tacos, more words, & gratitude

The past month has been filled with friends, tacos, and words, and a lot of new.

Wilde, Van Eekhout, and McGuire at Borderlands Books in San Francisco

Before I do anything else, I want to say how grateful I am for you — whether you came out to say hi, left a review, or dropped me a private note. Writing’s a lonely job sometimes, and your letting me know how Updraft, or Cooking the Books, or any of my fiction, resonated? That’s such a huge thing. Thank you. If you interviewed me, hosted me on your blog, or encouraged me to post that dorky pic of myself on iO9? Thank you. And especially if you traveled with me for any part of this trip – had a meal with me, asked me if I knew what day it was, or made sure I got where I was supposed to go, thank you.

You may have noticed there were a lot of blog posts and interviews over the past month or so? I’m going to break them down with blurbs, so you can (and I can) find them again. And now I can tell you one of my secret goals for this past month: to have as much fun as possible. I tried to post as many different ways as I could so you wouldn’t turn the hose on me when you saw me coming, and hopefully they’d be amusing to read later.

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@%#(*@!!. What did I do? You guys have got a bunch of reading to do before the quiz. (just kidding. There’s no quiz. Well, not yet.)

But wait, there’s more… There are a few more upcoming interviews and posts … plus the Flights of Fantasy Tour begins in just a few short weeks…

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