Four Weeks To Go! CLOUDBOUND Launch Party Details!

cloudbound_comp1-1In just under four weeks, Cloudbound launches!  I. Cannot. WAIT.

We’re doing it up at Barnes & Noble Rittenhouse Square on 9/27 at 7pm

and I have a special guest coming to help me raise the roof…

Special Guest: Chuck Wendig… all of him, not just his head.

Chuck Wendig, author of all the things spiders INVASIVE, ZEROES, several Star Wars novels, and THE HEARTLAND TRILOGY, among many books, will join me to talk about CLOUDBOUND, clouds, and all things bookish.

There will be shenanigans. There might be a joke or two. Possibly three. We will sign things. You will like it!

We will see you there, yes? RSVP!

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